Cave Game Update: Level 3 Progress

 After creating the concept map for level 3 (pictured below), I was tasked with grey-boxing the level in unreal 5. 

The level is intended to be an exhilarating chase through a crystal labyrinth, in which the player is blocked by simple jumpable obstacles and puzzles, however these simple challenges are incredibly stressful in the context of being chased by a monster.
Paying mind to the crystal-filled design of the level, I started by creating some hexagonal spikes and pillars, using cones and cubes as bases, then extruding to create a hexagon shape, manipulating the corners to make the shapes more irregular, and splitting the vertices to make the length of the shapes less uniform.

Some  of the pillars are only split once, whereas others are split up to 3 times to make their crystalline form more unique. Their points are also all arranged to differentiate the pillars, and make them seem chaotic and disorderly.
With these shapes, I have so far mapped out the first of 3 sections of the labyrinth, as pictured below.


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