Cave Game: Full Update

 So far, the theming of the game has changed a lot. The gems at the start have become keys, which opens the door to an old abandoned mine. The story is that your friends went missing exploring this abandoned mine, going in due to scary stories regarding the disappearance of those who used to work there. The truth is that a face-stealing monster that used to be trapped in the crystal cavern below, and was released by the mining operations, allowing it to run rampant in the mine and consume the miners. This monster has killed your friends, and is mimicking their voices to lead you further into the cavern. 

In gameplay progress, we have completed the first level, complete with a functioning code puzzle, key puzzle, and mining decorations, such as rails, minecarts, and support beams. the level also has strings of lights that guide the player, so that they don't get lost. 

We have also completed Grey-boxing for level 2 and 3, and planning for level 4 is underway. Level 2 is spent collecting batteries to keep the monster away, and turning the lights on in the area, eventually finding the key to leave the room and a mask for that room. Level 3 is a chase scene in which the player runs away through a maze-like crystal cavern, unlocking doors by picking up crystals, and eventually performing a daring jump to escape the monster, watching as it falls to its doom

The last level, level 4, will be a water-themed level, where the player follows a stream of water in the cave to a waterfall, in which they insert the 3 crystals into 3 hidden pedestals, creating a staircase through the waterfall allowing them to escape. this level is intended to be calm and slow, allowing the player to wind down after the adrenaline of the chase in level 3.

looking back, I feel that all members of our team, myself included, have spent more time than is responsible goofing off, procrastinating and playing games rather than working on the game. had we all buckled down and worked on the game, I believe we could have had a feature complete product by now. If I could do this again, I would urge our team to lock in and focus more on completing our work. I also feel that work delegation could have been improved, as at many points I was left not knowing what to do, and without any work delegated to me.


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