Unit 1 Assignment 1: SWOT analysis of myself


-  I have an incredibly creative mind, and can produce and develop unique ideas with great efficiency and enthusiasm for a project I am highly invested in.

- Once immersed in the system of a game, I can become incredibly proficient in the language and intricacies of that system (I.E. the specific wording of yu-gi-oh card text, or the specific wording and formatting of abilities in dungeons and dragons source material), which enhances my ability to design rules, mechanics and player experiences within/using those systems

- I am often able to see things from a different angle than others due to my autism, allowing me to introduce new, unique perspectives to a design team

- I understand the importance of communication and common understanding amongst a team, and have experience making games as a part of a team

- When taught, I pick up skills quite quickly, and am quick to develop a deeper understanding of them.


- I am often easily distracted, and can struggle to maintain my concentration when not fully engaged with and immersed in a task, especially if I have other future/uncompleted tasks on my mind. This can cause me to flounder around between distractions, only occasionally working on the task I should be working on.

- I can be rigid and uncompromising in my vision for a project, and can become distressed or angry if a project I'm working on is taken in a direction that conflicts with my vision, especially if this direction is not communicated to me beforehand. Though I am perfectly capable of  keeping my feelings to myself, the effect this has on my mood can affect my work in a roundabout way, as well as affecting my personal feelings towards the project and my teammates.

- If left to my own devices, I will almost always fall back on my existing skills to solve a problem, rather than developing a new skill that may be more fitting to the issue at hand. I am also slow to ask for help, even when I really need it

- I'm not always able to control what projects or ideas interest me, and developing interest/getting immersed in a project that I'm not initially interested in can be a long and tiring endeavor.

- I lack any knowledge of C++

- Most of my art skills are still "yet to be developed", so I have little so show for my efforts in developing my digital art skills as of yet.


- My digital art skills are currently lacking, however I am incredibly enthusiastic about digital art, and have the tools to develop my skills. If I do so, I could greatly improve my employability in many different positions, especially those I am particularly enthusiastic about, such as concept art and character design.

- The market for large scale projects with big open worlds, masses of player choice and intriguing lore Is incredibly ripe, meaning games like those I enjoy working on are in high demand


- If I don't take advantage of what time I have, or if I fail to manage what little time I have, I may never be able to develop the skills necessary to find employment in my chosen sector/s

- If I don't take the opportunities in front of me, and continue to live my life passively, I may never be able to find a job I truly enjoy, and I fear I'll simply drift through the rest of my existence, never really living. 

- If I rely too hard on the help of others, or if I continue to struggle when asking others for help, I may be vulnerable to either working myself to death to meet expectations, or failing to do so and thus failing at life

- Creative professions are being replaced with algorithms and Abominable Intelligence (A.I), which could threaten the careers of all people who work on games, current and aspiring.

- The current recession has hit all industries, including games. In a world where even studios as large as Epic Games are watching their wallets, it may be a precarious time to join the 


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